Computational Linguistics

Projects & Collaborations

Recent projects:

– Scalable Knowledge-Aware Image Caption Generation (ERC Proof-Of-Concept, Winter)
– Formal Semantics of Collective Categorization (ERC Advanced Grant, Winter)
– When Language Has a Beat (NWO Free Competition, Winter)
– Linguistic and paralinguistic characteristics of Dutch infant-directed speech and early infant vocalizations: a computational perspective (UU Dynamics of Youth Invigoration grant, Adriaans)
– Infant-directed speech versus adult-directed speech: a computational comparison (UU Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence small research grant, Adriaans)
– Vagueness in multimodal large language models (part of AINed Dealing with Meaning Variation in NLP, Nouwen & Paperno)
– Learning Meaning from Structure (VI.Veni.194.057, Fowlie)
– Apply-Modify parser: a compositional semantic parser (Fowlie)
– GrAPES: a challenge set for AMR semantic parsing (Fowlie)
– ERC project Memory access in language: how we store and retrieve linguistic information (MEMLANG) (Dotlacil)

On-going collaborations:

– Psychology, City University of London
– Radiology, University Medical Centre Utrecht
– Timothee Mickus (University of Helsinki)
– Louise McNally (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and Olivier Bonami (University of Paris)
– Jonas Groschwitz (UvA), Shay Cohen (Edinburgh), Lucia Donatelli (UvA)
– Alexander Koller (Saarland), Jonas Groschwitz (UvA), Matthias Lindemann (Edinburgh)
– UU Faculty of science
– UU Faculty of social and behavioural sciences